Saturday, September 18, 2010

A staining we will go...

So hubs and i have spent Friday night and all day today, Saturday, staining a house in Alabama. We left right after work on friday and got home about 9PM and this morning we got up bright and early (6AM) and starting work at 7:45, and worked until 6:30 tonight so we are exhausted! and COVERED in stain!! Seriously everywhere we went people asked us if we got any stain on the house... Here are some pics of the house
You can see we stained it a darker color.
Hubs contemplating our next move.

We ended p finishing all the staining today which was a gift from God! Seriously. Our plan was to get it all done this weekend, but when we got there last night we didn't know if that would happen. But now all we have to do is go back and paint the white panels tomorrow.

This is us after working 10 hours...This is not a good depiction of how much paint we really had on us...Notice the smiles...

that was just for the picture, this is how we really felt....

Now we are sitting on the couch, all stainy and too tired to even take a shower and attempt to get all this off....
o and i just found 2 leaves in my hair...
Happy Saturday!

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