So i haven't posted in a while because i wanted to add pictures as much as i can but left my camera with a friend and haven't gotten it back yet. But i have some exciting news!
I came home from a long day of work last Wednesday and walk in to my bedroom to find a new dark wood sleigh bed. My husband had bought it for me for my birthday present. You see our mattresses have been sitting on the floor for the past 6 months which is fine, but in my decorating magazines i have been seeing these beautiful beds, and a couple months ago i mentioned that i would love a bed, but i knew we couldn't afford it. So i never really said much about it.
The best part is my sweet husband saved up his all tip money, which does not come easy at the retail job he currently has, and his christmas money and bought it for me.
It is soooo beautiful! i will post pictures as soon as i can so you can see!