Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I have a black thumb...

So i've posted a little bit about gardening on this little blog but not much cause i'm really no good at it. Last fall i planted these mums which were beautiful for a few weeks...
ahhh aren't they lovely makes me so excited about fall!
Then i tried planting these pretty little things early spring but those lasted a few weeks as well...
and recently i planted these guys. Remember this pretty picture...all pretty and alive.
Well now they look like this...

The ONLY thing that i have managed to keep alive are these chicken and hens (i think that's what they're called, in the last picture) that my friend gave me.
I would love to have a green thumb but i just don't think that's gonna happen. So i need some ideas for plants that are hard to kill. i think these succulent things are the way to go but again i don't know much about this gardening thing, this is where i need your help, LOTS OF IT!!
and if you don't know much about it take time to ask someone you know that does. Tell them you have a dear friend who really wants to be good with plants but needs to start small. 
I have some hanging plants that are empty now and i thought about getting ferns to put in their place cause i hear those are pretty hard to kill. i think if i just had a few things to water in the mornings i could handle it but not a bazillion plants. 
I'm even open to fake plants, but they've gotta look as real as possible.
So please be kind and give me some flower advice, tell me what you like to plant and what you don't like to plant,  i'd really appreciate it!!


Allison said...

You might try sweet potato plant(if they get some sun)for your hanging baskets...I read an article in Real Simple quite a while ago that featured hard to kill plants...very low maintenance and they mentioned those. I love sweet potato plants and have had pretty good luck with them! I just have to water them everyday for the first few weeks. Also, geraniums I think are hard to kill, I planted one for the first time two weeks ago, and so far so good!
Good luck!!

Anonymous said...

I'm also horrible with my green thumb...currently killing tomato plants! BUT we have a little fern in our bedroom. It requires minimal water (maybe twice a week) and the same amount of direct sunlight. Mine's not just alive, but growing too! I'll definitely have to try sweet potato plants too, Allison :)

Laina said...

Hey girls, thanks for the info, i'm definitely gonna try that and i'll keep you updated!!


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